Meridian West Company Update
A big THANK YOU to our clients for making 2018 our most successful year yet! This past year brought a great deal of awards and lessons learned, along with lots big laughs. We are so thankful to have such great clients to share in the smiles and occasional curse words.

2018: A Big Year for Proposal Management
This year proudly marks our 18th year in the proposal management business. With this experience under our belts (although we definitely don’t wear belts post holidays), we continue to learn that the only thing consistent in the construction industry is change. 2018 brought a lot of change, from new federal regulations and state laws to new offices and clients, our year was full of adjusting, learning and WINNING!
In 2018, we helped our clients bid on more than 200 proposals, many of which are IDIQs and for public private partnerships, marking it the biggest year yet for Meridian West. We’re excited that our proposal writing team is growing. Our beloved Lead Proposal Consultants are staying right where they love to be (near the office snack bar) and we are adding a few wonderful, new team members to join us in this craziness.
2019: The Year for Professional Business Development
2018 brought the largest defense budget in history, at just under $700 billion. The defense budget for 2019 has already been approved in record time, increasing to an astonishing $716 billion. Despite the government shutdown, there is still plenty of work to do. Take advantage of the downtime by completing our New Year Checklist. These four tasks will prepare your company to jump into contract-winning action as soon as the government is back up and running. With defense spending on the rise, we are looking forward to a prosperous and successful 2019.
A few new year trends for 2019 caught our attention, one of which is selecting a word to focus our efforts around–a mantra, of sorts. We thought we would give it a shot. We plan to focus our business decisions with this word ever present in our minds to better our company as well as yours: development.
Development of our business and yours. After 18 years in business, we have learned a lot of lessons and celebrated many huge wins. We are determined to take those lessons and victorious highs and make 2019 a stand-out year. Development of our company means growing at a strong rate, learning and strategizing new approaches all the while keeping our clients successful and happy!
While we continue developing our growing team, we want to help develop yours! Growing a business isn’t just about one award after the next, it’s about strategic development. Let’s strategize on how we can take your business to the next level.
More is More!
Some set new year resolutions focused on simplifying or “less is more,” but we’re not jumping on that band wagon! We LOVE MORE! More RFPs, more awards, more business, more money! And if we are being totally honest, we also want more coffee, Dr. Pepper, sushi, tacos and margaritas!
Thank you to our existing clients for joining us on what we anticipate being another fabulous year. To our upcoming clients in 2019, get ready, this is going to get good!
The Meridian West Team